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Pegasus has one rider right now that is Apollo god of light and the sun; truth and oracles, prophecy; medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts; what binds us in a Faithless Based Society. If We are Uneducated and Speak Up we Ignorant That is Because People Have too much Pride in Their own Beliefs and systems that Creates Malicious Prejudice frightened of not upholding the status quo. Today we need some more Sense and Sensibility. Common Sense. | NAVIGATE READ ARTICLE SELECT OLDER POST BOTTOM RIGHT HOVER MOUSE|

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Always Remember Churchill & WWII A Real War | Effective V Fomation V for Victory

Today we in Great Britain we need to be realists on main
street and super realists in positions of power with hindsight, insight
& foresight we can and will show Great Britain Political Template
as birdlike in structure. A natural migrating flight pattern. An
efficient V Formation with a leader at the forefront who with eagle
eyed vision expects victory on all fronts each their campaign pledges (
manifesto) faster and more efficiently. Remember that famous photo of
Churchill with V in Europe peace hands & cigar? World War 2 was not
won for no reason it was won for a reason a lot was was learnt and
earned from that Conflict & Battle of Britain we will should not
have to look back we are forward thinking but we need to due to the
analyzing of Great Britain Anchor Points what made us Great not Little
Britain a Parody exported worldwide. The Red Arrow Flyover V formation V for Victory Vfor Peace A Great Britain Culturally Rich & Heritage & Designed
with Pride.
Reaching Set Objectives Faster Then Before, We Learn From Previous Flaws

Real Democracy Politics Made of Relevant High Interest this
is true democracy where has a voice especially those of their rightful
expertise which with focus the academics should be allowed to take the
frontal flight position in the slipstream so as servants of the
electorate they can focus, listen then perform with more vigor when
they again assume the frontal position they can take us to the required
destination or objective faster and more efficiently. Democracy where
everybody has an opportunity to voice any valid opinion on any relevant
matters but done in dignified fashion with a pause or thought and
listen as well as try lecture a total turnoff from politics the
youthful should be engaged the process. That is why grammar is so
important and language too so the youth can articulate without rambling
and appearing aggressive and getting no where fast which is often the
case with the frustated muslims and british national party in the
political arena with masters of language lest we forget most members of
parliament are lawyers who studied law so are fully equipped with quick
quips or "a lashing tongue whip" not ill equipped with the weapons like helicopters needed to do the job taking on the Taliban or poor compensation for injured troops that are hidden from view the reality of war it is like directed censorship by Government. Government Eyes off the Ball Among Time Ago Unlike The Bobby Moore Squad Foot on the Ball at All Times.
Comapring the Government & The 1966 Squad the Comparison is Laugable imagine BIG GAME RADIO FM | Savage Cuts on Government Rightly so by the Spectrum of Society, I.C Intelligent Conservation Stimulating Conversation by the Big Society which we doubt even the government cnnot define they no answers of their own relying on others ideas whilst they eat venison. Churchill a War Leader it is like we are at war with encroaching cultures a chaotic society not a big society all ou for themselves yet in sports or children are equals an team players. We cannot take our eyes of the ball.
Reallion Sound Bites Really Do Bite Especially Coming From The Spectrum of Society

So do we with reallion soundbites we are not afraid we made up of real masters of ceremonies like Beau Nash with Unknown MCs. The current political systems similar to a snake desperately trying to eating to eating its own tail with massive waste of resources be that inherent social problems which can be listed yet there have so many so people on ground level see the problems clearly as we are on min street. The war on terror can be seen as a war on terra firma which all war should be eradicated yet dialogue is discouraged when it should b encouraged why because war is big business see Nicholas Cage "Lord of War Nicholas Cage with Media and special effects people understand better. In a hostage situation we can understand why but in a stand off diplomatic dialogue can and should be encouraged. As head of state listening to the people has not been high of the agenda that is why being governed by a dictorial political front with media managers called spin doctors who
can spin wash any dirt is not a template that can be exported to other
eastern cultures or any of us can be proud of. The UK Government are
too concerned and focused with the unfair ground carousel they are on
where focusing on higher or lower political polls is what they ride
like cowboys like carousel cowboys, the press the media does have
massive inlfuence so that why it is unfair and a farce to watch.
Political poll watching is similar to youth focusing on the the pop
charts which like political polls is up and down ride for musical
artists. We require a collective voice, a fresh governance from number
10. Fresh that is relative and develop an unified Great Britian through
good practice. There no has been much practice fro successive
Governments but no professionalism.The United Kingdom had no successes are too
conerned focused on Islam fundamentalism as a diversion tactic from domestic failures. Its a diversion like a road
sign from focusing on home affairs. Poor Governance creates a vicous
cicrle, when they can not operarate or only figured what to do out by
now and do coaltiom humantrian missions in those areas I afghnaistan
understand their cukyure. Poor Governance with poor strategy is
Parliment definded 2010 after 1997 "things can only get bettet"
"Education,Education,Education," Why trust politicans with our own
initiatiges drive to make changtes livity & Social Enteprizes &
Charities that tend home affairs before exporting our cretavity iand
endeavouring intenationally.

Massa Luciano Intregral Analyst Group (I.A.G) Today we in Great Britain we need to be realists on main streetand super realists in positions of power with hindsight, insight & foresight we can and will show Great Britain Political Template as
birdlike in structure. A natural migrating flight pattern. An
efficient V Formation with a leader at the forefront who with eagle
eyed vision expects victory on all fronts each their campaign pledges (
manifesto) faster and more efficiently. Remember that famous photo of
Churchill with V in Europe peace hands & cigar? World War 2 was not
won for no reason it was won for a reason a lot was was learnt and
earned from that Conflict & Battle of Britain we will should not
have to look back we are forward thinking but we need to due to the
analyzing of Great Britain Anchor Points what made us Great not Little
Britain a Parody exported worldwide. The V formation V for Victory V
for Peace A Great Britain Culturally Rich & Heritage & Designed
with PrideReal Democracy Politics Made of Relevant High InterestThis
is true democracy where has a voice especially those of their rightful
expertise which with focus the academics should be allowed to take the
frontal flight position in the slipstream so as servants of the
electorate they can focus, listen then perform with more vigor when
they again assume the frontal position they can take us to the required
destination or objective faster and more efficiently. Democracy where
everybody has an opportunity to voice any valid opinion on any relevant
matters but done in dignified fashion with a pause or thought and
listen as well as try lecture a total turnoff from politics the
youthful should be engaged the process. That is why grammar is so
important and language too so the youth can articulate without rambling
and appearing aggressive and getting no where fast which is often the
case with the frustated muslims and british national party in the
political arena with masters of language lest we forget most members of
parliament are lawyers who studied law so are fully equipped with quick
quips or "a lashing tongue whip". So do we with reallion soundbites as
marshal mathers stated we are not afraid.The current political systems similar to a snake desperately trying to eating to eating its own tailwith
massive waste of resources be that inherent social problems which can
be listed yet there have so many so people on ground level se the
pronlems clearly.The war on terror can be seen as a war on terra
firma which all war should be eradicated yet dialogue is discouraged
when it should b encouraged why because war is big businesssee "Lord of War" Nicholas Cage with Media and special effects people understand betterIn
a hostage situation we can understand why but in a stand off diplomatic
dialogue should be encouraged. As head of state listening to the people
has not been high of the agenda that is why being governed by a
dictorial political front with media managers called spin doctors who
can spin wash any dirt is not a template that can be exported to other
eastern cultures or any of us can be proud of.The UK Government are
too concerned and focused with the unfair ground carousel they are on
where focusing on higher or lower political polls is what they ride
like cowboys like carousel cowboys, the press the media does have
massive influence so that why it is unfair and a farce to watch.
Political poll watching is similar to youth focusing on the the pop
charts which like political polls is up and down ride for musical
artists. We require a collective voice, a fresh governance from number
10. Fresh that is relative and develop an unified Great Britian through
good practice. There no has been much practice fro successive
Governments but no professionalism.The Unyed Kindom are too
concerned smd focused on Islam fundamentals they create a vicious
circle not a circle of life, they should try to figure out where they can not operate figured out by now and do coalition humantrian missions in those areas.
Poor Governance with poor strategy is Parliament definded pre 2010 after 1997 DREAM "things can only get better" "Education,Education,Education," Why trust politicians with our own initiatives drive to make changes thats why we are here livity
& Social Enteprizxs & Charities that tend home affairs before
exporting our creativity and endeavoring internationally. An example of a Webline That Detrimental is a sining we line creates dangerous minds not stable calming
diginified words of diplomacy worthy of diginartaries. really there is
an axis of evil the whole world is off it's axis with many with
unbalanced thoughts with no thoughts of humanity. there has to be
relevant social justice delivered in nation'a back yards before looking
upon others with threats and orders in onther words sanctions.The
permanment 5 members of the security council are not democratic a small
thrid world country should have just as much say in world security and
worldy afiars that 5 great superpowers. P5 should be P45 look at the
world they have created and over saw the overseers, who always react
instead of proactive preventative cures to problems.

"The campaign reminds us that in a world still reeling from the horrors of the Second World War, the Declaration was the first global statement of what we now take for granted -- the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (1948 -2008 No Changes)

The UK European stsytem system is similiar to a snake eating it's own tail.

Jihad defined, we first struggle within our ownselves against webs of deciet, webs of
falsehood, webs of spin doctors constantly finding new ways and
methods, new web lines like school boys in playgrounds back biting or
biting thumbs at eachother like tibalt king of cats. We struggle
against these weblines these webs to free ourselves from webs iof
inequity & rcognizing the Matrix mass media which is hypnotising
and seductive with extra special effects creating a virtual world many
spend much time watch being programmed prompted by mass media, NOAM
CHOSKY calls this the media bombardment the engineering of consent to
make us buy into a polkitical party's ideology or global views.As
realists or super realists and Vice Regents of Allah. We have knowledge
from the creator. Islam can never be said or argued as not one of the
Abrahamic Faiths which include the Torah and the Gospel "The People of
the Book".We believe in the revelations sent to you and the
revetions sent to us our god is one and it is to him we submit and bow
down in Islam PEACE.Al'Quran like the injeel The Gospel &
Torah The Old Testament are the finest examples of Hardbacks probably
diamondbacks that cannot be whipped by any one no matter how hard they
try with special effects. Yet they "ridicule" conspiracy theorists or
with their usage of media whip harshly and ridicule the person who
enforces it on secular people or rants and rages. Past altercations
have proven this to the detrimental of all concerned.A path
needs to enabled for a real peace process to begin. It is not an
unknown fact that the jewish people are integral to Western Media
Control Hollywood Productions and even Madison Avenue Advertising
Masters and have all of the platforms where the islamics have none due
to religious belief or no access granted. With use of media the peoples
percpetions of muslims become one of immense suspension and hate. If we
were to balance the scales of anti semitism and islamophobia then with
clarity we will see Anti - semitism is a minutia problem whereas
Islamphobia is of a major concern all because of a hate campaign and
the total ignorance of those who condemn before using their faculties
to learn more about about the message of islam which means peace.
Theres is a surah (a chapter) dedictaed to the Mother of Jesus Surah
Marayam Jesus is called ISA in Al Quran.A Discussion point for a fine forum thread. For more "divine manipulation of the threads".Great
Britain is one of the best probably the best equipped nations that have
the necessities to offer an all rounded education that empowers us to
improve with freedom of speech. As representatives of various social
enterprises or of temples or true Vice Regents of Allah diginified
discussion worthy of fine forums and debate issues that entangled us in
webs of deceit need to be feathered dusted away with the best feather
quill and ink. This path takes us further on a righteous step on a path
towards a path for our children educated through sport to compete with
sportmanship. Children who are freely educated in Great Britain, freely
delivered, freely educated and freely healed.The Pursuit of
Happiness in Great Britain has taken a detour with Americanism smartest
guys in the room rattle snaking like Enron but as Masters &
Commneders like Nelson of Trafalgar and his counterpart Nelson Mandela
we have Anchors so we shall never be slaves even though it may be a
long walk to freedom where the St George Flag is as good as unibond.Represent
islam always aware and caustious you do betray the message and
knowledge from Allah the most merciful. It is the frustration and the
rage the enemies of the the most high or the creator want to raise
instead of intelligent debate and intelligent issues. therefore
creating divisions and confusion amongst us all. Unification is theirof
terror.Where their systems of inequity are replaced with Al -
Amin (Trustworthy) Business of equity. A Place of Islamic power
beneficial yo us as an Abrahamic faith it encompasses all people of the
book with truth from the most high.Our aim is the Middleway and
in ISA (Jesus) there is a middleground and of discussion that can lead
to a meaningful peace, the nativity play for instance play for instance
and the original Navity Play the Star Trek of the three kings on camels seeking
through the Star of Bethelem. An annual celebration of the Birth of
Christ.There is a Flower Called The Star of Bethelem Let that plant be a Reminder of Universal Peace when we are all Good Will Hunting at Christmas Time.

The Star of Bethlehem

Good Will proven in the first migration Hirja, where muslims sought refuge and
it was granted in an African Nation Ethiopia. Where the King of
Ethiopia (the Negus) and his church leaders recognised Muhammed (peace
be upon him) words coming directly as the same source as the Injeel (
The Gospel of Christ)This Historic pact in Ethiopia of peace
between followers of both Christ and Muhammed (peace be upon them both)
Never forgotten but high lighted A BOND that exists that cannot be
broken by anyone Its where the original saying draw a line in the sand as the The Negus thiopian King did so with his mace | discussion over Muslims welcome Negus King of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

Real Posieden Trident Programme

Pegasus Foundation Posiede Trident the Realization of Higher Education | G40 SUMMERTIME SESSIONS SUMMIT | The Tabloids are a Distraction a Diversion Read Only What "They" You To Read How to Think in How its Written it's Called Indoctrination. Programmes are made for you to be programmed and prompted life on autocue I'll play snooker like Ronnie Rocket O'Sullivan Cool Under Pressure. In that Post Office Long Cue now thats One Big Cue. Nothing is imposible ask Michael Eavis of Glastonbury 40
G40 SUMMERTIME SESSIONS SUMMIT thats the Pegasus Foundation's Gift to Michael Eavis Next yeat will be G41 SUMMERTIME SESSIONS SUMMIT rising all the time.


The Engineering of Consent is Known NOAM CHOMSKY with those of Media Methods used By Politicians. It is simply the
manipulation of how you view political situations & issues for
instance Spin Doctoring like spiders creating "web lines" that stick
in the mind and when the conscientious issue is talked about
automatically the people think of the television prompt the "web line".
Television is full of prompting not thought engaging or provocative of
discussion where we talk civilized about issues like in ancient Greek
or Roman forums and pause for thought. The most famous being "Axis of
Evil" of which the spi doctor who wrote that line that entrapped many
minds that all Muslims and Arabs are enemies or suspect the USA spin
doctor still boasts "with no conscience or insight" into that line like
a record of achievement.An example of a WeblineThat Detrimental
wenline creates dangerous minds not stable calming diginified words of
diplomacy worthy of diginartaries. really there is an axis of evil the
whole world is off it's axis with many with unbalanced thoughts with no
thoughts of humanity. there has to be relevant social justice delivered
in nation'a back yards before looking upon others with threats and
orders in onther words sanctions.The permanment 5 members of the
security council are not democratic a small thrid world country should
have just as much say in world security and worldy afiars that 5 great
superpowers. P5should be P45 look at the world they have created
and over saw the overseers, who always react instead of proactive
preventative cures to problems. There system is similiar to a snake
eating it's own tail.Jihad defined, we first struggle within
our ownselves against webs of deciet, webs of falsehood, webs of spin
doctors constantly finding new ways and methods, new web lines like
school boys in playgrounds back biting or biting thumbs at eachother
like tibalt king of cats. We struggle against these weblines these webs
to free ourselves from webs iof inequity & rcognizing the Matrix
mass media which is hypnotising and seductive with extra special
effects creating a virtual world many spend much time watch being
programmed prompted by mass media, NOAM CHOSKY calls this the media
bombardment the engineering of consent to make us buy into a polkitical
party's ideology or global views.As realists or super realists
and Vice Regents of Allah. We have knowledge from the creator. Islam
can never be said or argued as not one of the Abrahamic Faiths which
include the Torah and the Gospel "The People of the Book".We
believe in the revelations sent to you and the revetions sent to us our
god is one and it is to him we submit and bow down in Islam PEACE.Al'Quran
like the injeel The Gospel & Torah The Old Testament are the finest
examples of Hardbacks probably diamondbacks that cannot be whipped by
any one no matter how hard they try with special effects.

Yet they
"ridicule" conspiracy theorists or with their usage of media whip
harshly and ridicule the person who enforces it on secular people or
rants and rages. Past altercations have proven this to the detrimental
of all concerned.A path needs to enabled for a real peace
process to begin. It is not an unknown fact that the jewish people are
integral to Western Media Control Hollywood Productions and even
Madison Avenue Advertising Masters and have all of the platforms where
the islamics have none due to religious belief or no access granted.
With use of media the peoples percpetions of muslims become one of
immense suspension and hate. If we were to balance the scales of anti
semitism and islamophobia then with clarity we will see Anti - semitism
is a minutia problem whereas Islamphobia is of a major concern all
because of a hate campaign and the total ignorance of those who condemn
before using their faculties to learn more about about the message of
islam which means peace. Theres is a surah (a chapter) dedictaed to the
Mother of Jesus Surah Marayam Jesus is called ISA in Al Quran.A Discussion point for a fine forum thread. For more "divine manipulation of the threads". Great
Britain is one of the best probably the best equipped nations that have
the necessities to offer an all rounded education that empowers us to
improve with freedom of speech. As representatives of various social
enterprises or of temples or true Vice Regents of Allah diginified
discussion worthy of fine forums and debate issues that entangled us in
webs of deceit need to be feathered dusted away with the best feather
quill and ink. This path takes us further on a righteous step on a path
towards a path for our children educated through sport to compete with
sportmanship. Children who are freely educated in Great Britain, freely
delivered, freely educated and freely healed.The Pursuit of
Happiness in Great Britain has taken a detour with Americanism smartest
guys in the room rattle snaking like Enron but as Masters &
Commneders like Nelson of Trafalgar and his counterpart Nelson Mandela
we have Anchors so we shall never be slaves even though it may be a
long walk to freedom where the St George Flag is as good as unibond.Represent
islam always aware and caustious you do betray the message and
knowledge from Allah the most merciful. It is the frustration and the
rage the enemies of the the most high or the creator want to raise
instead of intelligent debate and intelligent issues. therefore
creating divisions and confusion amongst us all. Unification is theirof
terror.Where their systems of inequity are replaced with Al -
Amin (Trustworthy) Business of equity. A Place of Islamic power
beneficial yo us as an Abrahamic faith it encompasses all people of the
book with truth from the most high.Our aim is the Middleway and
in ISA (Jesus) there is a middleground and of discussion that can lead
to a meaningful peace, the nativity play for instance play for instance
and the original Star Trejk of the three kings on camels seeking
through the Star of Bethelem. An annual celebration of the Birth of
Christ. There is a Flower Called The Star of Bethelem Let it be a Reminder of Universal Peace lay that at wreaths of fallen soldiers.

This is proven in the first migration Hirja, where muslims sough refuge and
it was granted in an African Nation Ethiopia. Where the King of
Ethiopia (the Negus) and his church leaders recognised Muhammed (peace
be upon him) words coming directky as the same source as the Injeel (
The Gospel of Christ)This Historic pact in Ethiopia of peace
between followers of both Christ and Muhammed (peace be upon them both)
Never forgotten but high lighted A BOND that exists that cannot be
broken by anyone.


Bilal ibn Rabah (Arabic: بلال بن رباح) or Bilal al-Habashi was an
Ethiopian born in Mecca in the late 6th century, sometime between 578
and 582.The Islamic prophet Muhammad chose an African slave
Bilal as his muezzin, effectively making him the first muezzin of the
Islamic faith. He was among the slaves freed by Abu Bakr (see Muhammad
and slavery) and was known for his beautiful voice with which he called
people to their prayers. His name can also be known as, "Bilal ibn
Riyah" or "ibn Rabah" and he is sometimes known as "Bilal al-Habashi"
or "Bilal the one from Ethiopia". He died sometime between 638 to 642,
when he was just over sixty years old.Bilal Ibn Rabah, was an
emancipated slave of key importance in Islam. He is said to have been
one of the most trusted and loyal Sahaba (companion) of Muhammad and of
Ali. His respected stature during the birth of Islam is often cited by
Muslims as evidence of the importance of pluralism and racial equality
in the foundations of the religion

Pegasus Foundation Charitable Objectives

Pegasus Foundation Mission Statement & Vision Statement

Mission Statement:

The Pegasus Foundation a Social Enterprise represents a new approach to tackling youth crime and will play a major role in contributing towards the Borough of Brent & Other London Boroughs Safety Strategy. It brings together professionals from a range of organisations – the Police, Social Services, Probation, Health, Education. Working together in a single team, we aim to cut crime committed by and against young people by intervening when trouble first starts, whether it is in the home, at school or in the community.

We Do This Within The Crediable Urban Environment & Address Their Personal Health Social & Educational Needs Through Direct Action, Creative Media & Social Networking

Forward Together

Vision Statement

We aim to focus on the increasingly significant contribution that non-formal learning is likely to have to play in the future provision of education and learning in the 21st Century.We are bringing together comunity respected figures who have a professional interest in the world of non-formal learning.The purpose of the consultation is two-fold: to build a coalition to work to promote the contribution that non-formal education could make to improving inclusive education provision for young people.

To shape an action plan that will generate the changes needed to enable that contribution to be included and valued.

To achieve these aims we will bring together inspirational thinkers, practitioners, policy makers and promoters of education services who will discuss and debate the relevance and value of non-formal education in a number of areas as education has many sources
and state education canot be held to account for the decisions that many youth make.
Our approach will be radical and creative enabling youth to realise their potential through creativity. Enabling the talented musical and creative youth to break through and realise success.

Our Main Goal is to Be Matrix Standard Approved Source of Information Advice Guidance with Investors in People Accreditiation

The Foundation's Motto in latin:
Operor non ingredior secundum mihi ; Ego may non plumbum. Operor non ingredio
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be a real friend I can rely on." -

A Deliverance of Relative & Social Justice

Govenance : A Deliverance of Relative & Social Justice To become integral in any unit, organization group, movement or Government it requires more than just talent
or a skill learned from respected institution or state education. It requires dedication commitment and the four key attributes or points of our self initiated Posieden Trident Anti Gun & Knife Crime Initiative. The Four points Education Culture Judgment and Perception.

The statement that is an definite duty anchor is, that is being a ever rapidly changing world of social political there must be flexibility but we never override our traditions, history and culture which what holds us as diverse community and nation steadfast. especially unified in the optimistic belief that our combined methods as just as advanced as others and ever ready for the advancement into modernity. This is realism and to create optimistic viewpoints and as an unit integral analysts are super realists who stay real in all cases they are involved with the promoting the poiseden trident within schools.

Education Culture Judgment Perception

Hopefuly you will be engged with our writings will then attain more common sense and become moe knowledge especially by ou as an indidual, success is made is clearly within reach. Allow the sclaes to drop from your eyes nto your hands and hearts which will then enable you to attain wise judgmemnt and correct decisions are nade tme & time again an a path to success to made clearer. Pegasus Foundation exists to empower and we do have a proven track record.

Integral def Essential or necessary for completeness, A constituent is represented by an elected official a MP Member of Parliament.
Analysts def Some one who is skilled at analyzed data


QUEEN RADO GA GA 1985 Band Aid Ethiopia Listen Boys & Girls Radio Can Be So Much More It Can Be Directions in this "Land of Confusion" Genesis
"So Boys & Girls Don't Just Become Background Noise" Mercury Rest
Put simply sonic impacts from any denomination or ethic group will yield
great in a fully integrated Great |Britain Where ethnic minorities can
be fully transparent and demand exactly he same from government. It is
Radio that reflects the diversity of a capital such as London and
broadcasting time are low yet such could yield massive results in
fighting and facing racism or ant kind of "ism"The Power of
Radio, is a medium where a wealth of information and news from he
foundation street level from the inhabitants and foundation of many a
community with Great Britain where they can all have their say. Simply
tune in The stations that deliver Realism in a World of Confusion,
Delusion & illusion that envelops us all in all in mass media land.
We need to be finely tuned inand radio gives voices to where none existed before.Finely
tuning our minds through radio enriches us and we are heard by many
when we choose to to voice a valid opinion: right now we need voices of
significance ad every denomination of our diverse streets deserve their
own channel especially in digital age 2012 DAB RADIO Frequencies.
Channels that deliver integral history, music arts comedy even poetry
that is relevant to them.Music & Art builds bridges between
communities even nations it is our strength being snatched by Racists
Fascists or Dictators forming Exclusive Dictatorial Fronts that is a
mere mirage not democracy in action by real ambitious Leaders who are
masters and commanders like the two Nelsons and Party Members should
represent and be honored their integral constituents chose them .
Musicholds such resonance with us all and can be an emotional healer better
than medicine or a visit to the G.P, it can build bridges and bring
humanity closer together to understanding one another better. This can
a global initiative Nelson Mandela himself was a BBC World News
Learner.Radio is the medium that can bring news to any part of the
globe and beneficial to us all as learning and listening to music that
resonates with us gives us a natural high and a feel good factor even
in the darkest of days: even in times of depression uplifting music can
be therapeutic and programs can teach alot and broad cast positivity,
discussion and debates all that's relevant to those on main street
ground level the foundation.People who chose to be politicians
used o have zeal, initiiatives drive to succeed yet right now we are
porogrammed never given voices. A eal Collective through Radio does
this for us as t can reach eager listeners. Internet than has a role a
role with worldwide streaming 24/7 365 as we direct from radio traffic
ontowebsites that contain more of the same rich content that gets
people involved in a movement for real social jutice: carrying all in
the same direction to the mixed & blended beats. THE VOICE"Stealing
the thunder" of Barak Obama is not a goal of ours yet to walk on a
dream is to know where that dream is leads to and our endeavors are
synchronized in advancing systems to he benefit of all.The
people have a voice and these times of mobile technology can be
empowered, we know miracles dont happen overnight yet we can all be
tuned in and listening and watching BBC Parliament. The more stations
broadcasting realism and with people understanding what it meansto
be a super realist we will make change happen for real not just spin or
rhetoric. With radio & close observations politics is made more
interesting to us as it should be; as it is broken down into a language
we understand. Instead of focusing on more bureaucracy and handing out
of silver spoons ( a promotion or promise of a better life) an handing
out of spears the elitist way of causing division and confusion;
upsetting the scales of justice and a deliverance of real social
justice. Radio Our Collective Voice Heard.

A Political Football of a Champions League | Politics Football The Original Mix & Blend

A Political Football of a Champions League Deliverance of Real Social Justice :

An Integral Article to Democracy

Just call me "Tony" Previous Prime minister of United Kingdom once said
Governing the Country was like being a "Premiership Football Manager"
Probably written for him by a spin doctor def. "a professional
public relations media manager expert" so that Blair can be seen of one
us a "people person" relevant and crucial. Under bright light he is a
mere bad manager. He did not even realize the importance of what he
said, to relate being prime minister to being "premier" (prime
minister) to being manager of a premiership football team can be a
profound link and can be of great relevance to those uninterested in
politics. When we think of our football teams we think of a cohesive
team totally focused on their goal and never taking their eyes of the
ball at any time, focused with foot on the ball unlike Politicians, let
listen to the dissatisfaction of of the taxpaying crowd just like
football payers boo their squad when they don't play near good enough.
When we think of our football teams we think of a totally cohesive unit
a squadron fast & fluid in formation just like 1966 red arrows
flying past any opposition to strike and score achieve goals for the
fanbase for the country creating that feel good factor all over. Apply
Football & Management to Politicians Ineptitude and See the
Results. Every individual player continously improving their skills and
see the scope for more improvement through skillfull play against more
skilful opponents it's called compitetion class where you learn fast a
transference of skills as you see where you need to be at to win again
& again. In football if the fans do not see the results from
revenue created through their hard earned cash then the players
(whitehall parliament) get booed for all to hear as on big game radio
there is an outlet for the frustration and constructive critism from
those with a special interest. Pooliticians too should rightlly be
booed for all to hear esocially when Whitehall bosses and local
authority fail objectives. Even more so when we hear council money is
being invested in Iceland to gain more interest whilst council services
are worsening and ciuncil tax bills are getting higher. It shows
mismagement and misconduct yet full benefits given of office and
expenses whilst frontline staff strugle to deliver a service worthy of
a 1st class country. Yet when there is incident the full "constuiuency"
then voice their opinions collectively just like fooball fans: todays
issues highllight the problem there are divisions in and deparment or
office. Especially on a bonified radio station where survey and
consesus can be created in no time at all and delivered to local member
of parliment address parliment Management If we are to telate in Toony
Blairs Alistair Campbell's Publlic Relation Phrase to make the link
between being Prime Minister and a Premiership Manager then we not
playing football of a champion's league that we chould be . We are a
country made of Champions in all arenas and disciplines. So i the
public glare with full realizationn of the facts of the continous
shakespearean "Comedy/Tragic" of errors and then the less humourous
depressing Government would be relegated to a much lower division, they
have been in many people's eyes. This is the truth of the matter and if
we were to highlight this link of football management to being Premier
then many would agree relegation is long over due and in party
conference straight talk shoul be order of the day. The onlb people who
deliver time and time and again are the mid wives who unfortunately go
unnoticed in a profound moment of deliverence oa new born there must be
thoughts of what can of world are we bring our children into? Hence
when I created the Pegasus Foundation a Matrix Standard Information
advice guidance investors in people accredited Posiden Trident anti gun
& crime unit inc. which I been doing for several years with help
guidance from local radio stations which has expanded nationwide
worldwide. Accrediting all success to my grandmother who past away
whilst I in prison serving time for a petty crime. If a Poll to realize
the general consensus of the general public concerning governance then
Government should be likened to a football team with all cabinet
ministers as the players and then what league would you out them then
you will see a real result. The result would show we unders a night
mare tean not a dream team.The positive that the international nations
are realizing a renaissance of values, what we hold dear in out lives
and fans love their their football and when simplified world of
politics too can made instantly interesting with fans and political
analysts never taking their eyes of the ball. We see the failure,
objectives or goals being scored: If the relation to Governance to
football is that all officials could would be publicly booed and
heckled by a collective crowd who support the nation naturally but not
the Team & The Premier Manager. A straight change of manager and
poor performing team players heard by all on i.e ON BIG GAME RADIO FM |

Real Poseidon Trident Community Objectives

Government ViewPoint

Gangs are part of the Criminal Network Continuum which begins with
peer group, then moves to gangs and organised criminal networks.
Gangs can and are, involved in all levels of offending. Evidence shows
extensive collaboration between gangs and criminal networks and
progression up the continuum of career criminality. A large amount of
shootings and violence is chaotic in nature.

The Key word here being the word being chaotic the streets are chaotic. Theres no heirachrchy of criminals as there use to be and Respect is lost. First we address respect and give a sense of respect & value, self esteem and sense of honour & duty to those left to sink on "sinking estates". Who see no option but to engage in criminal activity to fund a lifestyle they aspire to. Its a question of method.

Our Real Posieden (Trident Programme Matrix Conformity Information Advice Guidance Investors in People) was seen as god of the seas and an operation to
named Trident which targets gun & knife crime; Which stems from what
a unknown government official created the phrase "Sink Estates" as in
areas that are sinking not rising is sarcastic and most are left to sink.
To write a code of your own will enable a path for yourself to reach
your goals quicker. There are many ways of doing this, it is structuring
your life. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man" George
Bernard Shaw

Do Government Even Know This Quote When Discussing
Gun & Knife Crime? The Deaths of so many Due to 'Unreasonable'
Men.How to turn an Unreasonable man into a Reasonable one is
at the heart of the problem and to to do it is a role worthy of
Dignitaries, Diplomatic Skills. When is this Questioned
going to be raised and discussed?"No Single Raindrop
Believes It Is Responsible for the Flood"This Quote Describes
Accurately Gun & Knife Crime Which Spreads Like Wildfire An
Example - Poseidon Template Code Simplified Sociology of
Teaching Navigational Skills Through Life'
R.C | Our Sea | Roots &Culture
'First Be A On Guard Protecting Your 'Kin Ships, Friendships,
Relationships, Partnerships, Leadership is when we allow this
precious fleet to begin sink we see the Breakdown in Our Lives, Our
Families, Our Society Even World Community.
Focusing On A Solution
Black Star Lines of Grammar Self Image vs How People View You This
the Conflict That Creates Mental Stress Within Us Discipline, Train
The Mind and Focus on Goals Good Health, Gym, Keep Fit vs
Analyzing How Others Behave & Operate in Social Circles This is a
Priceless Social Education The Person Who Exemplifies this was
Oscar Schindler Brightest Eye Within The Darkest of Circles Media
Photo : 'Oscar' Schindler List Successful Endeavors and Enterprise
Saving Lives Routine, Regime, Groom Well, Be Graceful Recognize
Blessings, Honor The Family First Ancestry, Our Roots Being Our
Steadfast Anchor Who Do You Think You Are?

Be Aware of
Negative Influences Which Has Many Sources Analyze Sources & Steer
Away Educate Your Selves Communication Skills Grammar
Intellect A High Priority Giving You An Open Reach to the Spectrum
of Society Overcome the Gossip of the Mindless & Enter that Web
of Lies Especially Hearsay At Your Own Peril.

Good Grace and Good
Character are Traits Instilled within Us By Self Belief, Family
Praise and Being Cultured So Tap Those Temples of Yours Success To
Be or Not To Be That is The Question Be Entertained by Street
Showmen & Clowns Like Peacocks 'All Eyes On Me' Where There Are
NoneYet These People Melt Under The Gaze of Those With Real
Temples Most Look Like Fools in Comparison With Legends Malcolm X,
Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Bob Marley All Four Understood The Struggle
and The Human Condition With Grace and Good Character Traits
Instilled By Self Belief Overcome Adversity The Streets Are Always
Watching So Are The Authorities

Eye for an Eye Makes the the
Whole World Blind
Watched & Watchers Apply Vision & Mission
Statements Youth with Good Business Acumen Vision: Defines the
desired or intended future state of a specific organization or
enterprise in terms of its fundamental objective and/or strategic
direction.Mission: Defines the fundamental purpose of an
organization or enterprise, basically describing why it exists.

Note:A Template or Code That Structures Your Life Is Beneficial to
Everyone When Thought AboutA Realization of Potential is the Result
of Self Analysis. Self Taught Codes or Blueprint are Life Assurance Similiar to Family Crests of People of the Realm. The Elite

A Deliverance of Relative & Social Justice

Pegasus Foundation : Integral Analysts

To become integral in any unit, organization group, movement or Government it requires more than just talent it requires more than talent
or a skill learned from respected institution or state education. It requires dedication commitment an...d the four key attributes or points of our self initiated posieden trident anti gun & knife crime initiative. The Four points Education Culture Judgment and Perception.

The statement that is an definite duty anchor is, that is being a ever rapidly changing world of social political there must be flexibility but we never override our traditions, history and culture which what holds us as diverse community and nation steadfast. especially unified in the optimistic belief that our combined methods as just as advanced as others and ever ready for the advancement into modernity. This is realism and to create optimistic viewpoints and as an unit integral analysts are super realists who stay real in all cases they are involved with the promoting the Poiseden Trident within schools.

Education Culture Judgment Perception

Integral def Essential or necessary for completeness, A constituent is represented by an elected official a MP Member of Parliament.
Analysts def Some one who is skilled at analyzed data

The Nations Academia Ignored

The nations academia too ignored just like Greek Philosophy they argue and debate in those forums, debate & argue until a overall consensus is made. This
arguing is mere "chatter" it is stimulating it makes the speaker
more confident intelligent as in fencing swordsmanship - Academic
fencing is the best way of advancing one's capability to acquire the
necessary language skills where his or her is presented in manner that's
dignified , put across in the best method. Without rage without anger
without frustration, language simplified, interesting and educating.
Parliament Live: 1.

Simple philosophies are not taught or put in context: to have an
analytic approach combined with a an analytical reasoning then the
choices that we make in life, which define our destiny as well as affect
others is to realize that leaders of nations have a heavyweight on
their shoulders called responsibility and today's nations citizens do
not expect a self serving political party with no party of rejoicing for
us on main street or a government that serves big business because of
GDP economics that's the bottomline. The Bottom Line: 2.

Today's Academical are watching in dismay and can offer solutions in
their field of expertise if only they were approached. The
Pegasus Foundation a social enterprise The Four Points Cornerstones of
Posieden Trident Being Education Culture Judgment & Perception.
First learn to be a statesmen and through a record of achievement and
successful endeavor then the next step is to be a World Statesmen whose
is the highest merit deservedly respected and listened to because they
have afresh view and perspective. They approach organizations and
departments with initiatives and can implement them universal frameworks
and systems that benefit all concerned in total transparency. This
involves integral analysts belonging to each nation to deliver
directives in order to bring real order that is beneficial to all as in
each culture different methods have to be used as there are variables ,
basics like different language, communication and society structure is
different. World Statesmen do not dictate they appreciate new
perspectives and therefore perform better when a better method is
discovered that can be used in a different context but used all the
same. America does possess an all encompassing global culture it
is a vibrant country none the less we all believe in "The American
Dream" that is a nightmare for many on main street all across the globe
feeling the impact of competing economies where money rules and no
thanks giving. To recognize they possess a dictatorial political front
which sets no universal directives of orders and just threatens and
attacks at will is like a bully with a red card refereeing a fair play
match between co-operative nations. USA with sanctions at permanent P5
security council which guarantees no security for any nation except
Israel. There is nothing in the UN charter about a permanent dictatorial
security council and goes against the UN Policy. 2008 Declaration of
Human Rights no a squeak from the P5 or mass media coverage of such an
historic event. The members of the UN General assembly are like Hyde
Park Speakers say their part and walk away nothing changed nothing
gained accept more aid more charity more bribes "Lords of War".Attack
Revenge Attack Revenge Attack Revenge Recycling violence and wastage
there's no resolution or revolution but more manipulation of more sticky
spinning web lines like "Axis of Evil""Put Lipstick on a Pig still a
Pig" these are soundbites or mentally sticky web lines which is the real cancer of media
land we dust away with better verbal prowess & world sound power.Snatchers
Explained:George Bush & Tony Blair were nation snatchers they
snatch the identity of a nation namely its military a countries pride
then then lead us all on a leash with a Napoleon complex, place
divisions within our communities then ask us with the "audacity of
jokers" "to define our selves as people.They split society opinions
& communities divisive using immaculate spin doctoring techniques
from Alastair Campbell himself a man who suffered from mental health
problems yet still involved in sending many men to their deaths in
foreign lands with no b plan c plan or d plan. The media assist in
creating confusion and illusion so war and politics become words that
raise anger and rage amongst us the communities, never a dignified
debate even amongst the learned men of the nation.Confusing us to
believe our elected leaders know better whilst they cannot even relate
to the disastrous states they create through lack of the four points of
Blue Diamond Posiden Trident.The Pegasus Foundation a social
enterprise The Four Points Cornerstones of Posieden Trident Four Points Being
Education Culture Judgment & Perception.

The Rise & Fall of Empires | Stimlating Conservation

The Rise & Fall of Empires, is is of extreme relevance that the enlightening Torch of Olympic Games of Beijing, China arguably the inventors of the compass which enabled ma to navigate the globe with their ships which has been passed over to great Britain a rich navel history.

With the two Nelsons honored in Great Britain there is no shame in that heritage and it is relevant when we look at and analyze Leaderships.
It is immensely valuable history as from past historic events we learn from them to enable an efficient faster path to prosperity for the benefit of the nation.
When done correctly it is applicable to the betterment of any nation on earth as it is not dictated to but a sharing of knowledge on how to improve systems in any field where any expertise is needed for more effective and efficient methods which can then can be implemented to meet a desired objective. This is how countries then become naturally integrated with other an alliance is created due to mutual understanding.

Discovery & Endeavor

The age of trying to conquer nations with sanctions and orders backed with the use of mass weaponry is a tactic of a blatantly Dictatorial Political Front. The web lines are wearing thin "A Clench Fist" is what we seen from the western politicians yet due to their poor oversight their back is against the ropes. It is this era we discover new methods of understanding cultures and infrastructures which every nation wishes to develop for the benefit for the benefit for their people, it cannot be condemned. This is where Media managers "buriers of bad news" Spin doctors get in the thick of it and inform you of other methods that send you on a diversion that takes to spaghetti roundabout with no Sat Nav. Thanks Mr Campbell Nice One. Where spin doctors with sticky literature web lines come into the forefront and create divisions of opinions, confusion and illusion that a threat of war is what we should all be concerned upon not our escalating bills but the next episode of coronation street or lost when we lost in the storyline of entertainment instead of reality and transparent government.

Yet today we are the people are the vessels and we have become more empowered due to the wealth of knowledge at our fingertips in this internet era. We have now become the masters and commanders of what we survey when we attained efficient education,culture, judgment & perception. We are the navigators, who must navigate through life to reach our destinations or objectives never allowing to our kinship, relationships, partnerships, citizenship, leaderships and the most important fellowship to ever sink no mater how many efforts are made to sink this ever important Humanity's Meaningful Ships

Living in Modern Britain no matter our belief what we covet or worship, we must all recognize and be aware of the importance of this Fleet. We are intelligent enough to know that in the modern world, negative and corrupting influences Have Many Sources, we realistically cannot stop this yet with intelligence we must sink the one man up ship that exists between us in life that causes divisions and elitism.

Those who seek to create divisions are the enemy be that officials with their new speak and autocue seeking to prompt us. They are full of rhetoric of no substance or fanatics preaching hate instead of enabling a path to a middle way. We must remain steadfast in the belief of a middle way center ground and a realization that the rise and fall empires hold a vast wealth of information that show conquering a people its all its guises. We learn from history the observation of past and preset leaders and their leaders and their behaviors, It cannot be called spying as that is relating to war: observation, analyzing and recording those who have steered us into uncharted waters in order to impose a new world order a new world mess or globalization objective which is a path to ruin not prosperity as only certain countries or alliances will gain and this will never be made plain to thos on main street. It is called news of the public's interest. History is fact it is relevant.

Once a famous pirate prisoner was brought before Alexander the Great. Alexander asked him "Why do you infest the seas with so audacity and freedom? The pirate answered, for the same because because you infest the the earth but because I do it with it with a little ship. I am called pirate, because you do it with a big fleet you are called Emperor. De Civitate Dei, Augustine Hippo.

In such few digested words we reveal the truth between falsehood & hypocrisy and enlightening being the result. The Pegasus Foundation | Integral Analysts are seen as pirates yet judge for yourselves, we feed food for thought and not fed.

Theory of Relativity 2010

The Famous Physicist who First Established a Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge | As a Prince
amongst my people I find it abhorrent that young minds are cultured
very young by over consumerism even in this day and age of eco
intelligence and awareness. I came to the conclusion it takes a
community to raise a child I came up with a flawless plan using facebook social networking site that involved reuniting old school communities; back when we did have imaginations, ambitions, hopes & dreams | When we are reunited like a gathering itis like a tribal universal sharing of actual caring saved by the bell! | This is sociology at it's basic level. So Imagination is real illumination like the Mis
education of Lauren Hill Sang "Everything is Everything" The Video the lyrics is a work of arts, when we combine music with the arts enlightenment and illuimination is the result. This track shows how a music can get undesirables off our roads or give them direction where they had none before, I prefer the latter. Striving to create a state of mind army not battle ready militants but academical and forward thinking lyriscists . It was the sterophonics who first sang it takes only one tree to make a thousand matches yet only one match to burn down a entire tree. The same can be said and comparable to religion or organisations companies etc.. So everyone must realise "everything is everything" it cannot be allowed that the attitudes or behaviours of some to destroy the entire roots and culture of a family, community, nation or continent. Its takes a gneration to get back the equilbrium again so of course we should be highly critical of our poltical leaders through a collective voice or forever remain on the British Titanic Template of Pollitics.