Donate Towards Pegasus Posiden Trident Community Objectives

Pegasus has one rider right now that is Apollo god of light and the sun; truth and oracles, prophecy; medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts; what binds us in a Faithless Based Society. If We are Uneducated and Speak Up we Ignorant That is Because People Have too much Pride in Their own Beliefs and systems that Creates Malicious Prejudice frightened of not upholding the status quo. Today we need some more Sense and Sensibility. Common Sense. | NAVIGATE READ ARTICLE SELECT OLDER POST BOTTOM RIGHT HOVER MOUSE|

Thursday 22 July 2010

Real Poseidon Trident Community Objectives

Government ViewPoint

Gangs are part of the Criminal Network Continuum which begins with
peer group, then moves to gangs and organised criminal networks.
Gangs can and are, involved in all levels of offending. Evidence shows
extensive collaboration between gangs and criminal networks and
progression up the continuum of career criminality. A large amount of
shootings and violence is chaotic in nature.

The Key word here being the word being chaotic the streets are chaotic. Theres no heirachrchy of criminals as there use to be and Respect is lost. First we address respect and give a sense of respect & value, self esteem and sense of honour & duty to those left to sink on "sinking estates". Who see no option but to engage in criminal activity to fund a lifestyle they aspire to. Its a question of method.

Our Real Posieden (Trident Programme Matrix Conformity Information Advice Guidance Investors in People) was seen as god of the seas and an operation to
named Trident which targets gun & knife crime; Which stems from what
a unknown government official created the phrase "Sink Estates" as in
areas that are sinking not rising is sarcastic and most are left to sink.
To write a code of your own will enable a path for yourself to reach
your goals quicker. There are many ways of doing this, it is structuring
your life. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man" George
Bernard Shaw

Do Government Even Know This Quote When Discussing
Gun & Knife Crime? The Deaths of so many Due to 'Unreasonable'
Men.How to turn an Unreasonable man into a Reasonable one is
at the heart of the problem and to to do it is a role worthy of
Dignitaries, Diplomatic Skills. When is this Questioned
going to be raised and discussed?"No Single Raindrop
Believes It Is Responsible for the Flood"This Quote Describes
Accurately Gun & Knife Crime Which Spreads Like Wildfire An
Example - Poseidon Template Code Simplified Sociology of
Teaching Navigational Skills Through Life'
R.C | Our Sea | Roots &Culture
'First Be A On Guard Protecting Your 'Kin Ships, Friendships,
Relationships, Partnerships, Leadership is when we allow this
precious fleet to begin sink we see the Breakdown in Our Lives, Our
Families, Our Society Even World Community.
Focusing On A Solution
Black Star Lines of Grammar Self Image vs How People View You This
the Conflict That Creates Mental Stress Within Us Discipline, Train
The Mind and Focus on Goals Good Health, Gym, Keep Fit vs
Analyzing How Others Behave & Operate in Social Circles This is a
Priceless Social Education The Person Who Exemplifies this was
Oscar Schindler Brightest Eye Within The Darkest of Circles Media
Photo : 'Oscar' Schindler List Successful Endeavors and Enterprise
Saving Lives Routine, Regime, Groom Well, Be Graceful Recognize
Blessings, Honor The Family First Ancestry, Our Roots Being Our
Steadfast Anchor Who Do You Think You Are?

Be Aware of
Negative Influences Which Has Many Sources Analyze Sources & Steer
Away Educate Your Selves Communication Skills Grammar
Intellect A High Priority Giving You An Open Reach to the Spectrum
of Society Overcome the Gossip of the Mindless & Enter that Web
of Lies Especially Hearsay At Your Own Peril.

Good Grace and Good
Character are Traits Instilled within Us By Self Belief, Family
Praise and Being Cultured So Tap Those Temples of Yours Success To
Be or Not To Be That is The Question Be Entertained by Street
Showmen & Clowns Like Peacocks 'All Eyes On Me' Where There Are
NoneYet These People Melt Under The Gaze of Those With Real
Temples Most Look Like Fools in Comparison With Legends Malcolm X,
Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Bob Marley All Four Understood The Struggle
and The Human Condition With Grace and Good Character Traits
Instilled By Self Belief Overcome Adversity The Streets Are Always
Watching So Are The Authorities

Eye for an Eye Makes the the
Whole World Blind
Watched & Watchers Apply Vision & Mission
Statements Youth with Good Business Acumen Vision: Defines the
desired or intended future state of a specific organization or
enterprise in terms of its fundamental objective and/or strategic
direction.Mission: Defines the fundamental purpose of an
organization or enterprise, basically describing why it exists.

Note:A Template or Code That Structures Your Life Is Beneficial to
Everyone When Thought AboutA Realization of Potential is the Result
of Self Analysis. Self Taught Codes or Blueprint are Life Assurance Similiar to Family Crests of People of the Realm. The Elite

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