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Pegasus has one rider right now that is Apollo god of light and the sun; truth and oracles, prophecy; medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts; what binds us in a Faithless Based Society. If We are Uneducated and Speak Up we Ignorant That is Because People Have too much Pride in Their own Beliefs and systems that Creates Malicious Prejudice frightened of not upholding the status quo. Today we need some more Sense and Sensibility. Common Sense. | NAVIGATE READ ARTICLE SELECT OLDER POST BOTTOM RIGHT HOVER MOUSE|

Friday, 23 July 2010

Politicians We Ask Are They Path Enablers or Bridge Burners?


Leaders can be placed into one these two catorgories since they have no clear consensus or real set objectives we must be categorical and pigeonhole them. Forever remember the the Rule in Trafalgar Square "Do Not Fed The Pigeons Especialy the Ones That Drop Corosive Shit on You & Fly Away". These remarks reminds me of the immgration policy, the last government who took us into two wars unchareted waters with no exit strategy and then the fait accompli bankers hedge fund managers mismanaging immense sums of money near their end of office and andministration.

Are these Politicians Path Enablers enabling paths and creating bridges or They Bridge Burners where they destroy chances or diplomacy and diginified debate amongst people from different ethniities & cultures.

Their thinking and structure should be like conglometeres working with all countries who know where they stand with the Great British as we have our standards of conduct, principles and of ourse never forgetting a monarchy whose crest is above every high court's head, it is law we realise the importance of law which is all encompassing. No one is above the law this has to be proven in the future when an unlawful act has been committed lke embezzlement of billions of Great British Citizens money and two arguably illegal wars. We want subpoena powers in supreme high courts so that these business minds that come with more elborate plans to make money whilst destroying Great British heritage can be brought before the court in full media glare like The Aviator "Howard Hughes". Questioned properly where no white collar crime goes unpunished long firm especially embezzlement. We the Great British public all want to flying high faster stronger more efficient on our baker streets to our destinations objectives instead of mud slinging and disrespecting peers to the detriment of all it is a comedy yet tragic show of the Titanic Template of British Politics.


P.E Path Enablers; Enabing Paths For Others

Practical Education: Learned in Instititutions Primary Comprehensive College University

Personal Education : Has Many Sources and can be and should be personally attained through personal interests. This learning is evergrowing and never stops.

Physical Education : Health Exercise Balanced Diets & Nutrition

Philosophical Education : Ancestry, Culture, History & The Arts

Political Education : Raising Issiues, Diginified Debating Contests & Campaigning

Parental Education : Which can be argued as being the most important as what is instiled intous as children should be ingrained with in us as we grow through adolescence into adults

Next Subject Parenting

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