Donate Towards Pegasus Posiden Trident Community Objectives

Pegasus has one rider right now that is Apollo god of light and the sun; truth and oracles, prophecy; medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts; what binds us in a Faithless Based Society. If We are Uneducated and Speak Up we Ignorant That is Because People Have too much Pride in Their own Beliefs and systems that Creates Malicious Prejudice frightened of not upholding the status quo. Today we need some more Sense and Sensibility. Common Sense. | NAVIGATE READ ARTICLE SELECT OLDER POST BOTTOM RIGHT HOVER MOUSE|

Saturday 24 July 2010

Donate Here to Real Posieden Trident Programme

Be expected to read articles thinking out the box, outlandish to some totally logical to others. We hope it is though provoking and can change your outlook as we look to solutions not just problems within our communities. We Charitable Socialist Workers currently looking for backers sponsors and exploring the opportunity to turn our selves into a non profit organization. You may have expertise in this field then please comment and leave a contact email. Thanks for tasking the time out to read what we are very much concerned about.

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