Donate Towards Pegasus Posiden Trident Community Objectives

Pegasus has one rider right now that is Apollo god of light and the sun; truth and oracles, prophecy; medicine, healing and plague; music, poetry, and the arts; what binds us in a Faithless Based Society. If We are Uneducated and Speak Up we Ignorant That is Because People Have too much Pride in Their own Beliefs and systems that Creates Malicious Prejudice frightened of not upholding the status quo. Today we need some more Sense and Sensibility. Common Sense. | NAVIGATE READ ARTICLE SELECT OLDER POST BOTTOM RIGHT HOVER MOUSE|

Sunday 25 July 2010

Pegasus Foundation Stimulating Conversation

Hopefully you will be engaged with our writings and will then attain more snese and become more knowledgeable especially about the four points of our Posieden Trident we write about. Then any endeavor or objective undertaken by you as an individual success is made clearly within reach. Allow the scales to drop from your eyes i to your hands and hearts which will then enable you to become more relevant help you attain wise judgment and correct decisions are made time and time again

The Foundation or  4 Key Attributes or Points are attained through:

Path Enabling ; Enabling Paths For Others (P.E)
  • Practical Education (Learned in schools, primary comprrhensive higher education, university, apprenticeships & work)
  • Personal Education (has many sources and can be and should be personally attained)
  • Physical Education (Health & Exercise Nutrition)
  • Philosophical Education (Ancestry History Culture Philosophy)
  • Political Education (Raising Issues, Debating Contests & Campaigning)
  • Parental Education (Which can argued is the most important as what is instilled in us as children should be ingrained with in us as we grow through adolescence into adults)

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